The Justin Timberlake Experience

I'm weird. As such, last Friday I conducted an experiment in which I sent text messages to a handful of my friends asking this simple question: "Do you know who Justin Timberlake is? I think he is a singer?"
For the purposes of the experiment I decided to collect and log their responses, but decided to not respond to any questions regarding the experiment, should they arise. Although a few people opted not to participate (read: fully ignored my text and have not tried to contact me since) I was able to gather a significant amount of data. And, out of this experiment, an EXPERIENCE was created for all those involved. Life: 1, Sadness: 0, am I right?
The end result is this:
The Justin Timberlake Experience
(aka JT Friday, The JT Massacre, JTrochima, The Bombing of JT Harbor, Storming the Beach at JT, 9/JT, and so on and so fourth.)
Text Question: Do you know who Justin Timberlake Is? I think he is a singer.
Brian Finkelstein: ?
Brian called me about an hour later and said, “I was talking about Justin Timberlake when you sent that. How did you know?”
Bryan Safi: The name rings a bell.
Cassie Pappas: Do you have a suitcase for the show tonight?
Doug Moe: Is that the “I’m Too Sexy For My Shirt” guy?
Drew Droege: What the fuck are you talking about?
Eric Pliner: Yes.
Eric Pliner (one hour later): Why are you being a weirdo?
Eric Pliner (one hour later): Is he coming to your show tonight?
Eric Pliner (one hour later): I hate you.
I finally spoke to Eric, who forced me to explain what was going on, and he said this, “You need to get a job.”
Jackie Clarke: No. He is a 3rd wave feminist.
Jay Willoughby: Is this a for real question.
Jeff Hiller: Yes. He is Drew Barrymore’s ex-boyfriend.
An hour later I received this voice mail from Jeff, “Why are you so weird?”
Jen Kirkman: Is this a joke?
John Flynn: No, silly. Those are a type of shoes.
Julie Brister called me almost immediately and asked if I was all set for subbing her improv class the next day. I said I was. There was a pause and then she said, “I got your text. (Pause.) Okay, well, I have to go.”
Julie Klausner: Yes. He is, like, really famous.
Justin Purnell: ??? Do you mean what does he sing?
Liz Black: Why do you want to know? Are you dating him???
Paul Scheer: Haha.
Robert Lambert: Yes. He does beats for Missy Elliot.
Sam Riegel: Whaaa?
Susan Hale did not respond but later told me she forwarded it to a friend.
Taran Killam: Only from The Mickey Mouse Club. Is he still around?
Terry Jinn: You are ridiculous.
Will McLaughlin: He is also a dancer and a dream maker, Amy. Ahnodoy!
Up next: I ask the same question of my family. And they respond.