Sunday, September 24, 2006

She's cute enough to get away with it.

My two-year-old niece was talking to my parents on the phone today and in mid-conversation hung up the phone, looked at me and said, "I'm over it." And she's only known them for two years.
Later, she was helping me put away my laundry and informed me, "Amy, you're a mess." To be fair, she's only known me for two years.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I know, right?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

You're Invited!

I Enjoy Being A Girl
A one-woman show written & performed by Amy Rhodes
Directed by Jen Nails

Wednesday, September 13
Wednesday, September 27
@ UCB Theatre
5919 Franklin Ave. in Hollywood
Tickets: $5.00
Reservations: 323-908-8702

***Emerging Comics of New York Award for Best Solo Show***

***Time Out New York Critics Pick for Comedy***

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hiker? I don't even know her.

Just got back from hiking the Grand Canyon. 7 miles down one day; 10 miles up the next. It's a workout and my calves hurt. Really hurt.

Almost as impressive as the view: my parents also made the trek and made it out alive. Killing them off is going to be harder than I thought.

Trip lowlight: my father listing Demi Moore in his "Top 3 Best Actresses Of All Time." (This answer would only be acceptable if the category was "Top 3 Actresses named Demi Moore.")

Trip highlight: My brother making a joke that referenced one of my favorite childhood books:

Oh, snap.