Welcome again, readers!
Once again, it's time to talk about some of the things people are Googling to get to my website.
1. Amy Rhodes
You've come to the right place! Keep up the good work.
2. homemade abortions
This one comes up an alarming amount of times. So much so, in fact, that I feel obligated to look in to it, find a recipe and post it.
3. ignored my text
Ladies! I have said it before and I will say it again. And again. And again until you listen. Men are pigs. The whole stinking lot.
4. Amy Rhodes pregnant
See #2. I'm on it.
5. love someone for who they are
I want to get a t-shirt that says that. That, or a t-shirt that says, "I gave him the thinnest years of my life." Either way.
6. last night i was in my sister's vagina
Wow. Uh, okay? I was at my sister's house in Eagle Rock last night but I have never, to the best of my knowledge, been in her vagina. I wouldn't even know how to get that whole situation started - from how to approach my sister and ask for vagina entry to the actual act of getting in to her vagina - I just can't see that going well. Also, seriously, what the fuck? Who Googled that and how the hell did they end up here? I would really love to get this email from my sister today: "Amy, I Googled that vagina thing to get to your blog." That would be a serious mind fuck.
1. Amy Rhodes
You've come to the right place! Keep up the good work.
2. homemade abortions
This one comes up an alarming amount of times. So much so, in fact, that I feel obligated to look in to it, find a recipe and post it.
3. ignored my text
Ladies! I have said it before and I will say it again. And again. And again until you listen. Men are pigs. The whole stinking lot.
4. Amy Rhodes pregnant
See #2. I'm on it.
5. love someone for who they are
I want to get a t-shirt that says that. That, or a t-shirt that says, "I gave him the thinnest years of my life." Either way.
6. last night i was in my sister's vagina
Wow. Uh, okay? I was at my sister's house in Eagle Rock last night but I have never, to the best of my knowledge, been in her vagina. I wouldn't even know how to get that whole situation started - from how to approach my sister and ask for vagina entry to the actual act of getting in to her vagina - I just can't see that going well. Also, seriously, what the fuck? Who Googled that and how the hell did they end up here? I would really love to get this email from my sister today: "Amy, I Googled that vagina thing to get to your blog." That would be a serious mind fuck.
If you think that's disturbing, I've had 129 people come to my site by searching for "kid porn." There's absolutely no porn of any kind on my site, though I'm sure I've made jokes about porn at various times. And certainly I've used the word "kid," though never in reference to porn. As much as I hate the idea of Big Brother spying on me, I hope all 129 of those searches were from cops looking for predators and not actual sickos.
I found your site by clicking through from Funny or Die, but I'm going to go google "last night I was in my sister's vagina" to see what else I find.
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