Friday, April 20, 2007

I need to borrow $10,000.

Today I got an e-mail from someone I did a play with in New York over 5 years ago and have not seen since. In other words, we're super tight.

Well, girlfriend has been busy. She wrote a screenplay and now she wants to get it produced. AND she wants me to invest in it!!!

Here is an excerpt from her extremely long mass e-mail:

"I also have a promise from a Hollywood Producer/Financier that if I can get $300,000 committed, he can land me the rest, and we're on our way. So far we have $40,000, which means we only need $260,000 to meet our threshold. I'm currently making a private offer of shares in the film - 1% of net profits for every $10,000 invested - so all I need are 26 or fewer people to invest $10,000 or more and we're all set!!"

A promise from a Hollywood Producer/Financier? Basically, I am in.


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