Thursday, November 02, 2006

Not giving up on candy.

I went trick-or-treating with my niece, Keely, on Tuesday. She was part clown/part adorable. My sister told her that a lot of candy is spicy so she needed to check with us before she ate anything. So when Keely was going through her loot at the end of the night she would hold something up and ask, "Is this spicy?" and if either my sister, brother-in-law or I wanted said candy we would say yes and she would give it to us. Genius.

My sister's neighborhood in Eagle Rock does it up for Halloween - there is a block of houses that do elaborate decorations and people come from all over to trick-or-treat there. Keely was not phased by stuff that would have scared the crap out of me when I was two because, she explained to me, she knows what is real and what is pretend. She did get scared at one house, where a man wearing a Jason mask just stood in the doorway not moving. She got halfway up the walkway and stopped. Then took a deep breath and yelled, "I'm not giving up on candy!" and marched to the front door, got the candy, turned around and ran back screaming, "Run! That man is right behind me!" I admire her determination. I almost felt bad for her when it turned out that she'd gotten a Milky Way. Too spicy.


Blogger Spencer Griffin said...

I'm sorry but are you the Amy Rhodes who was a Valley High School mime?

11:42 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

Yes I am. I was a mime.

12:25 PM  
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